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Dr. med. Sylvia Grosch
Specialist for internal medicine
Study of human medicine at the RWTH Aachen
St. Elisabeth Krankenhaus, Meerbusch Lank - Specialist medical training of Internal Medicine, (focus on rheumatology)
Kliniken St. Antonius, Wuppertal (focus on oncology and hematology)
Additional qualifications
Emergency Medicine
Naturopathic treatments

Dr. med. Flavia Hoffmann
Doctor in training
General medicine
Study of medicine at the EMAU Greifswald Clinical Education
St. Joseph Stift Bremen - Clinic for general and visceral surgery
St. Marien Hospital Düsseldorf - Clinic for Oncology, Hematology and Palliative Medicine
since 02/2022 Practice Dr. med. Sylvia Grosch
Additional qualifications
Expertise in radiation protection for emergency diagnostics
The Practiceteam
from the left:
Sabine Sikorski
Baptista Lehnen
Angelika Pütz
Silvia Keisers

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